
Bone Metastasis Essay

Decent Essays

Approximately 60–70% of patients with systemic cancer will develop spinal metastasis [27], a condition for which a delay in treatment may rapidly degrade the quality of life and shorten survival, as they are at risk of irreversible neurological damages.
Early and accurate detection of bone metastases is thus an important task, as it enables a timely treatment planning and a follow-up monitoring of lesions which provides valuable clinical information that can prevent, preserve or improve neurological function, alleviate pain, optimize local tumor control and improve the quality of life.
In the radiologist daily routine, the traditional method of finding the metastases is through a visual assessment of all slices of the image. Therefore, an early manual detection of spine metastases is often …show more content…

Hammon et al. [33], described a CADe system for both lytic and blastic metastasis detection in CT images strongly based on a previous multi-stage detection strategy [32]. They introduced a method that feeds the detected vertebral body into a cascade detector consisting of three random forest-based discriminative model, each working on a selection of features describing the individual lesion center candidates.
Recently, Roth et al. [36] pulished the first study based on deep neural networks. They design a two-tired coarse-to-fine cascade framework: regions of interest were generated in the first step and 2D views (observations or patches) with respect to those regions were fed to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier, as a second step. For segmenting the spine, the approach presented by Yao et al. [28] was adopted. To expand the training dataset affine transformations such as scale, translation and rotation were applied on all region of interests (ROI) extracted at each bone lesion candidate

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