
Bone Pathology Paper

Decent Essays

Najua Gassant
October 15, 2014
Anatomy and Physiology Lab
There are 206 bones of the human skeleton. Bone is a connective tissue that are considered organs. Bones are composed of collagen and a mineral called hydroxyapatite, it gives the bones its incredible strength. The bones are important structures in the body for several reasons they support, protect, produce hormones, store minerals and growth factors and allows the body to move. Homeostatic imbalance of the bone can result in diseases of the bone such as Osteitis Deformans, which causes a weak growth of development of bones.
Osteitis Deformans also …show more content…

More times than not the disease is asymptomatic and is accidentally diagnosed. People that don’t have symptoms generally find out during diagnostic testing. The diagnostic tests that are used are blood tests, x-rays and isotope bone scans. Signs that a patients has the disease is high amounts of serum alkaline phosphatase in blood tests. X rays and bone scans are used to confirm the diagnosis. X rays give the conclusive diagnose but aren’t really needed, whereas bones scans determine the extent and tells what areas of the bones are being effected (Josse, et al. 4-5) Patients with a more progressive form of Paget’s disease are susceptible to other complications of the body. Secondary complications associated with Pagets can be neurological, cardiac, and skeletal. A few of the complications is fractures, secondary osteoarthritis, deafness, compression of the nerves, hypercalcemia and osteosarcoma, which is rare. (Walker, …show more content…

Managing Pagets Disease gives relief to individuals with the disease. You can manage Paget’s though the methods of therapy and medication. When trying to advise a treatment plan, there are specific criteria the patient must meet to receive treatment, it often depends if the patient is asymptomatic or symptomatic. If the patient I asymptomatic and are not at risk of secondary complications they don’t really need a treatment but the patient is often monitored by clinical reviews. Patients that are symptomatic are given treatment because they have more bones effected by the disease and complication risks. (Oliveira, Lojo, Eslava,

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