
Border Security Through Technology and Manpower Essay

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It was reported in the San Antonio Express News that “Border-Patrolling Drones Would Call Texas Base Home.” Lynn Brezosky reported that “U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin cut the ribbon for the launch of the nation’s fourth base for operating border surveillance drones.” This is important in securing the U.S.-Mexico border, which the U.S. has an approximate 1,933 mile long border with Mexico (Beaver). Brezosky also reported that “the Homeland Security budget called for two drones for Texas.” The new drones in Texas are another step towards securing the U.S. border with Mexico. On the other hand, the so called “border fence” is producing less than favorable results. The issue of border security is not confined …show more content…

In addition, the Secure Fence Act mandated that 854 miles of fencing be built. According to Duncan Hunter, however, the State Representative of the 52nd district of California, “The Department of Homeland Security has indicated its intention to build 370 miles of border fencing even though the Secure Fence Act calls for more than double that length.” And on May 10, 2011 in El Paso, Texas, President Obama stated “the border fence is now basically complete.” (Krauthammer) The fence failure brings me to my next point about its faults. The fence is nowhere near complete, yet the President himself is claiming that it is complete. On the contrary, Nicole Miller reported in the “Texas International Law Journal” that “The latest reports from June 2009 reported that 633 miles of the original 700 were completed” (Miller 8). The 700 miles of fencing may have been built, but that still leaves over 1,200 miles of unsecured border. The fence has been placed only at certain points where they slow immediate entry into cities and roads. Just beyond the cities and roads the fence ends unexpectedly; so the illegal traffic simply avoids the more guarded fence and goes around. (Holt 3-4) Native American culture is being affected by the fence as well. Many Native American tribes like the Tohono O’Odham, who live along the border, are cut off from the rest of their people (History & Culture).

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