
Bowles and Gintis Education and Inequality Essay

Decent Essays

In Samuel Bowel’s and Herbert Gintis’ Education and Inequality, Bowels and Gintis investigate how education in the United States is unequal, especially to those indivduals who are financially unstable. In today’s extremely judgmental society, many are at a disadvantage based solely on their class, race, sex, etc. The quality of one’s education is compromised for a number of unfair reasons having to do with artificial inequalities.

Bowles and Gintis felt it was important to write this article, because they believe that the politics of education are better understood in terms of the need for social control in an unequal and rapidly changing economic order. This point is illustrated on page 396 when the authors say, “The unequal …show more content…

On the other hand, the wealthy people are able to keep climbing the social ladder because they can afford to be successful, and in turn their children will also become successful due to their parents social status.

The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative. Although Bowles and Gintis did not use many different ideas and statistics to present their points, the ones they did use had a strong enough quality to prove their points successfully. The use of the bar chart used in the article really helps to illustrate the information that Bowles and Gintis were trying to convey to the reader. The authors used data from the US Office of Education Survey very effectively to show the difference between students who were from family’s with educated parents, and those who were not.

The most important information in the article is that capitalism causes extremes in social economics. There are those that are very rich and those that are very poor. The poor then are left with unrest and desire for that which they do not have. Education will equip then with the tools they need to escape poverty and be able to coexist with those in other social extremes. "The founders of the modern US school system understood that the capitalist economy only produces great extreme of wealth and poverty of social elevation and degradation" (p.362). "Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great

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