
Braille Rough Draft

Decent Essays

Louis Braille Rough Draft Some people think that teenagers are lazy, selfish, and ignorant. However, there are many teenagers that have changed our world. One teen that changed the world is Louis Braille. A few hundred years ago, blind people were only part of the lower class because education was hard for them to obtain. But this is not so, due to the writing system that Louis Braille created. At the age of 15, Louis Braille formulated a writing system that enables the blind to read and write. Now, the blind can communicate and be educated because of the writing system that Louis Braille came up with.
During Louis Braille’s childhood, Louis Braille was blinded at the age of three when he was playing with tools in his Father’s shop. One of …show more content…

Braille is easier to read and write and is a more efficient language. Blind people are now literate, and have access to better education. Learning is now much easier for people without eyesight. It is relatively easy to learn. It is improving the lives of many because it is easier for a blind person to learn to read and write in Braille rather than learn to read and write with regular numerals when they cannot even see them. It is used in almost every country, signs help blind people get around in public spaces. And, most important, blind people can communicate independently, without needing print. Braille is based on a six dot code where different dots represent different letters/numbers. There are contractions that represent commonly used words and symbols. Each set of dots is called a cell. Each cell is spaced so that it does not get confused with other cells.
However, there are disadvantages of the Braille Writing System. It is hard for a sighted person that has not learned it to learn it. It can be sometimes hard for a person to learn Braille if their fingers are not sensitive enough to read the position of the dots. Errors cannot be erased. Braille is not an individual language, it is just another method to read and write optimized for the

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