
Bram Stoker: An Analysis Of Count Dracula

Decent Essays

In this analysis I plan on dissecting the way the character role “Count Dracula” is played in different pieces of literature and forms of entertainment. Bram Stoker illustrated Dracula in such a unorthodox fashion that his writing piece brought many different opinions and philosophies on who Dracula was meant to be and represent. In reality Stoker made Count Dracula was suppose to be everything society was not and that very fact is what made society outcast him. Society had a set of unspoken rules that often was not mentioned in law but engraved in social norms. We live in a society where much of the forbidden things that were mentioned in Dracula does not make such an grave statement as much as it did during the time of it being published. …show more content…

In the beginning of the film Mina is practically begging Johnathan to stay instead of seeing the deal with count Dracula through. Mina is portrayed to be wise for foretelling the dark future of Jonathan and in a way she is given mother like traits. But on the contrary Mina is subjected back into the weak depictions of women when Johnathan left her side to go on his business venture. Mina was bawling her eyes out in the film all while Jonathan had a stern face without showing emotion as if seeing her before he left wasn’t …show more content…

We see vampires as the epitome of society is scared of and tends to outcast them. When Lucy turned into a vampire she almost instantly turns into a over sexual unnatural creature. “In a soft, voluptuous voice, such as I had never heard from her lips ‘Arthur! Oh, my love, I am so glad you have come! Kiss me!’ ” (Dracula 167). Lucy woke up and right away asked for a kiss, which was grave request during the time period in which this book is written, after being turned into a

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