
Brand Loyalty Is One Basis Of Brand Loyalty

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The brand loyalty of the customer base is often the core of a brand's equity. If customers are indifferent to the brand and, in fact, buy with respect to features, price, and convenience with little concern to the brand name, there is likely little equity. If, on the other hand, they continue to purchase the brand even in the face of competitors with superior features, price, and convenience, substantial value exists in the brand and perhaps in its symbol and slogans.
Brand loyalty, long a central construct in marketing, is a measure of the attachment that a customer has to a brand. It reflects how likely a customer will be to switch to another brand, especially when that brand makes a change, either in price or in product features. As brand loyalty increases, the vulnerability of the customer base to competitive action is reduced. It is one indicator of brand equity which is demonstrably linked to future profits, since brand loyalty directly translates into future sales.

Brand Loyalty as One Basis of Brand Equity
A set of habitual buyers has considerable value because they represent a revenue stream that can go …show more content…

They listen to and understand their need and take steps to meet their expectations. Today's marketers therefore frantically search strategies to maintain a set of satisfied customers popularly termed as brand loyal, by repurchasing the product/service whenever the need arises.
Brand loyal consumers, as a matter of fact provide the basis for a stable and growing market share of a company. Therefore interest of the product marketers hovers around the ways and means to develop and sustain brand allegiance for their products and services.
Brand loyalty never just happens. Brand managers have to make it happen. There are the exceptions, of course. Sometimes brand loyalty does occur through no effort of the marketer. Sometimes even when a product is not promoted, it presents an attractive image to a particular consumer

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