
Broken Tax System

Decent Essays

The Solution to Our Broken Tax System
Imagine a tax reform that would save Americans like yourself thousands of dollars each year, a system that would ensure that you and your fellow taxpayers are paying their fair share each year, no more, no less, and system which would help to stimulate economic growth in America for years to come. Our current taxation system is broken, and without a complete overhaul, the system will just grow and get worse by the year. The answer, a tax reform implementing a flat taxation system. This system could be the foundation for economic growth and expansion, which all Americans would benefit from. The flat tax system is a simple straightforward, black and white taxation plan and the implementation of it would …show more content…

Today, America’s tax system is an extremely complex system full of loopholes influenced by special interest groups and lobbyists crafted to benefit these interest groups to the furthest degree. But under a flat tax system, a fair, singe, unbiased percentage is taxed to all incomes for individuals and businesses. This one rate of taxation provides no room for loopholes due to the fact that deductions are removed and an individual’s income would be taxed entirely. The implementation of a flat tax system paired with a balanced federal budget would lay the foundation for economic growth and expansion for future years. This tax system would help to increase the economy at a stable, manageable rate by facing Americans fewer taxes, and more opportunities to save and invest. Despite many believing that a flat tax system was crafted to give tax breaks for the top 1%, it is an ideal system to reform our taxation system with because it would simplify our system drastically by removing deductions and loopholes, it would provide Americans with a fair system which would benefit all taxpayers with a tax cut, and finally America would …show more content…

The simplicity of this system is not hard to comprehend, it is a one tax bracket which all incomes are taxed on without any tax deductions. Today, our tax system is constructed of deductions and loopholes which contribute to the complexity of our current system. As well as deductions and loopholes, every source of income is taxed differently and separately. But a flat tax would tax all incomes for businesses and individuals at one rate. This would mean that income earned from capital gains and dividends would be taxed at the same rate as normal income. All federal taxes are filed to the IRS (Van Houtte 1), and the growing complexity of our system has resulted in the IRS becoming overburdened and has grown to an extreme level to keep up with our current tax system. Due to growing complexity of the IRS, in 2015 alone the agency spent nearly $12 billion (Budget 4). But with the implementation of a flat tax system, the IRS would be “abolished as we know it” due to the simplicity which filing taxes would be (Cruz 1). The framers of the flat tax created it with the idea that an individual could file their taxes on a form the size of a postcard (Teller 10), and today this is still possible, but not without a complete overhaul of our current tax

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