
Brown Vs. Board Of Education Of Topeka

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Brown Vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was a huge American milestone throughout history, as it began the longstanding process of trying to deplete segregated schools and creating racial equality. This event marked the beginning of racial integration, starting with the schools. Many people failed to understand that segregated schools were not equal in quality, which further created tension among the African-American families and started many movements. When this case became headline news it was deemed important due to the fact that if passed then all public schools would have to integrate. This court decision created enormous controversy throughout the United States because of the simple fact that some people believed that this …show more content…

Supreme Court unanimously outlawed racial segregation in public schools. The court decision, besides the reality that many endeavors had been taken by African Americans to ban racial segregation, came hardly surprising. Still, the prohibition of school segregation stirred up many different hot debates all over the country, but many met this debate with strong opposition, violence, and push back in the South, where the law had just mandated all schools to be integrated. An Black writer who was noted for his overall ability at using narratives and arguments with an intermix of public and private experiences by the name of James Baldwin, also joined the army of critics. In one of his famous pieces, “Down at the Cross,” he cites the Supreme Court ruling as an example to help magnify his view of the Whites being reluctant to give anything to their Black counterparts during Cold War politics. While Baldwin may have a more increased authority than many outsiders today on any discussion pertaining to the African American experience in the 50s and 60s, he, as a product of this era of intense racial hatred, can hardly be considered to have an overall objective point of view. Many have praised the name of this court decision because it created equal rights for all children and ended segregation, but in reality that is the furthest thing from the truth. When the finalization of segregation being ended became world-renowned it then put more pressure on the African-American women

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