
Brutality In North Carolina

Decent Essays

When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve their relationship with North Carolina because of the high taxes, police brutality ,poverty, unemployment rate,crime rate, education system , drugs, deforestation , gas prices, equal opportunity for women in oppose to men, NC legislation laws, and North Carolina DOT.

We hold these truths to be self evident that :-That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable right; that police brutality should be stop; North Carolina Schools systems should be more organized, women pay should be more recognized; the unemployment rate shall be handled; drugs use should be addressed; poverty shall come to end, it should be against …show more content…

Depending on local municipalities the total tax rate can be as high as 7.5%. County and local taxes in most areas bring the sales tax rate to 6.75% – 7% . Tax in North Carolina is tremendously high. If you buy something for 14.99$ tax is a $1.01. People should be tax a fair rate.

Recently North Carolina has had a current issue with police brutality. In Charlotte, A man name Keith Scott was killed by a Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Officer. People started to protest and they destroyed downtown Charlotte. Police Brutality is not just is not just an issue in NC, it a issue in a America that can be fix by training and picking better police officers to protect this State,

According to the federal government, poverty levels was defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,283 or less for a family of four, or $11,945 for an individual. The overall poverty rate for North Carolina in 2012 was 17.2 percent. Their is a high rate of children and families that are homeless. This issue could be fix if North Carolina come up with more plans and program that could help get people off the streets and find a job.

The crime rate in North Carolina has escalated over the year. The crime risk in North Carolina is 103%. This issue should be addressed by handling the dropout rate so young teenagers won’t come criminals at a young …show more content…

But every year it lose 8.41 millions acres of land due to deforestation and fires. The more the people cut down the trees ,the less habitats animals have .The trees releases air into the atmosphere, so the more they cut the land the less are they have. The increase animal's death would also have a toll in this as well.

Gas prices in North Carolina is a major issue right now due to Hurricane Matthew striking the state. Owners of gas companies are choosing to increase their prices because they know that most of the public needs gas to maneuver to safe zones. When there has been a state of emergency because of the weather, gas station owners should be applicated to charge a low and fair amount for gas.

In North Carolina, women who holds a full-time job is paid $34,421 per year whereas a man who holds a full-time job is paid $41,859 per year. This means that women in North Carolina are paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to a yearly wage gap of $7,438 between men and women who work full time in the state. Women and Man in every state should be paid and the same

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