
Budget Variance Analysis

Decent Essays

• Are you on track for meeting your short-term goal? Why or why not?
My short-term goal was to save 2000$ for a summer trip to Europe. I definitely think that I have already met my goal as I have more money in my savings account than I anticipated.
• Did you stick to your budget? Why or why not? What are your budget variances? Based on this experience what would you do differently for your next budget?
Yes, I have stayed within my budget as I followed all of the previous rules that I set for myself such as;
- Prioritizing my money by making a list of needs and wants.
-Creating a budget list on how much I am willing to spend on necessities.
-Have an amount of my income automatically transfer into my savings
-Increase the amount that transfers into …show more content…

(P.S I did not even go Black Friday shopping)
By following these rules, I have saved a lot more money than I anticipated. I eliminating my spending money on majority of my entertainment, mostly because I was so busy this semester with school and sports. I was also very conscious on what necessities I needed and if I could price match or get the items on sale. Therefore, my budget variance was higher than expected, which means I am on the right path when it comes to managing my money. Based on this experience I would probably not do anything different as my plan has worked out accordingly.
• How did you cope with any financial emergencies you experienced?
I did not encounter any finical emergencies, but I did have a scare when I woke up in the morning and my car tire was popped. I was scared that I would have to buy a whole new tire which would cost me about 100-200 dollars depending on the tire. Luckily, I only had to get a patch done which was an easy fix for 20$. Although, I did not encounter any financial emergencies I had enough extra money in the bank that it would have not been an issue to pay for a new

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