
Bus 2204 Unit 2

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Home /Current Term (Term 4, 2016-2017) /BUS 2204 - AY2017-T4 /13 April - 19 April /Written Assignment Unit 2 /Assessing submission
Written Assignment Unit 2
Assessed submission
Unit 2 submitted on Tuesday, 18 April 2017, 7:55 PMmodified on Tuesday, 18 April 2017, 7:55 PM
Unit 2: Basic Finance and Financial Statements

James Reed

What is accounting and how does it help you manage your personal finances?

Accounting is the methodical and full recording of financial transactions relating to a business, and it also denotes to the procedure of briefing, examining and evaluating these transactions to cross checking agencies and tax collection agencies. Accounting is one of the key purposes for nearly any company. It may be done by an auditor and accountant at small businesses or by substantial finance subdivisions with lots of employee’s at …show more content…

The three procedures of accounting and bookkeeping assist an individual in recognising the most effectual use of capital incomes, gauging the properties of the cost controls across their finances. The accrued economic data is collected into usable data facts and reports are summarised for their decision-making procedure. By recognising and gauging costs, individuals can transfer capital to advance productivities and decrease costs.

The size component in financial accounting is based on a uniform analysis of the past financial presentation of an individual. The relevant financial data is identified and analysed, as well as cash flow and profit and loss statements. The financial accounting system is designed to assess the financial health of the individual for all decision makers. Identifying information under this system requires an understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as well as the different accounting requirements of each state and federal taxing

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