
Business Ethic for Tesco Problem

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1.0 Introduction
This report is aimed at the ethical dilemma faced in Tesco. Tesco is one of the biggest food and grocery retailers in the world. Recently Tesco had approximately 4,811 in the world and it employing over 470,200 people. Moreover, Tesco also provided approximately 7,000 products, it including food and non-food products (Tesco, 2012). This report is on all pertaining to Tesco ethical issues. The main dilemmas that are facing by Tesco are the product and service problem and these dilemmas are invented through environmental scanning analysis.

2.0 Tesco Ethical Dilemmas
Tesco Malaysia is one of the biggest hypermarkets in the Malaysia market. Besides that, it is also one of the hypermarket which facing the daily ethical …show more content…

They will choose other hypermarket rather than carry the heavy stuff by themselves. Tesco should aware and take action about this issue seriously thus narrow this issue. Besides trolley problem, the washroom issue is also a seriously issue that always complaint by customers.

2.2.2 Washroom Problem
Washroom is the important asset in any mall or hypermarket, if the consumer went to dirty washroom, he may think that the mall is unclean and smelly. Tesco’s washroom is facing the problem of unclean and lack of tissue paper. The washroom is very unclean and smelly, and no one come to clean up for a long time. It will cause the customer disgusting and the customer may turn away. Therefore this may damaged the image and the goodwill of Tesco. Moreover, Tesco’s washroom is also lack of tissue paper. Perhaps this is not the fault of Tesco. Some customer might take away the whole tissue paper because of their selfish. However, Tesco must also take up their responsibilities to fulfill the needs of customer. For example the tissue paper in washroom was finished, when the customer is using and found out there is no tissue paper, he will very upset and complain to the facility department, it will affect the image of Tesco. Whereby, Tesco should refill the tissue paper in a short time for other users.

3.0 Solution for Tesco Dilemma
Every single organization exists of dilemma no matter how large is the

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