
Business Law

Decent Essays

Module 2 Journal Assignment
Consider issues raised by the article involving the complexity of litigation and the make-up of juries. What is the nature of some of the complex lawsuits at issue today? Do you believe that our current jury system is sufficient to handle emerging complex issues?
Traditionally, and even now, the intent of having a jury hear cases is to have a case be heard by a collection of piers. This collection is carefully selected to be neutral and unbiased. The selection should not take into consideration age, race, gender, or any other defining attribute. This means, essentially, that there should be both older and younger people selected for any jury. In the case regarding Apple vs. Samsung, “the jury was …show more content…

Jurors are well accustomed to entertaining commercials, Web sites and even newscasts. New technologies utilizing visual strategy mimic these experiences.
Others issues may involve smartphones. I feel as though it would be imperative for an attorney to use a smartphone in cases involving smartphones. Otherwise, difficulty could arise in trying to describe the issue” (Sabulis).
With that being said, I feel that attorneys with technology based knowledge have the upper hand, and in order to compete with the ever growing uses of technology, attorneys must adapt to any and all means necessary in order to win over the jury and present their case in a way that is both meaningful and easily understood.
“As jurors continue to evolve, and as Millennials occupy more and more seats in the jury box, the influence of technology will only increase. It will change the way children grow up, students learn, and lay citizens perceive litigation. Only those attorney’s savvy enough to understand the jury’s changing dynamics will find themselves consistently successful in tomorrow’s complex litigation” (Wilhelm)
Works Cited

Mintz, Howard. Apple vs. Samsung: Jury foreman says verdict not meant to send big message. San Jose Mercury News (California), 5 May, 2014. Web, 21 Jan 2016.

Sabulis, Tom. Pro and Con;

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