
CEO Water Mandate

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A new comprehensive study conducted by Dr Arjen Hoestra of the Netherlands’ University of Twente, demonstrates that water scarcity around the world is a getting worst than ever. Water shortage is becoming a global issue that may result in regional conflicts, economic losses and environmental risks.
The first reason is global warming that led to the decrease of rain falls on different parts of the world like in the Middle East. The second reason is the rapid growth of the global population that requires intensive irrigated agriculture and the fast industrial development that depletes fresh water resources. The phenomenon is mostly observed in big cities of intense population density like Sao Paulo, Brazil and California, USA, where people began drilling to try to reach underground water because the government is unable to supply the population steadily with fresh water.
In this regard, CEO …show more content…

But for some activists, CEO Water Mandate is an inefficient institution who has no real power over corporations to oblige them to commit to water preservation. Instead, it is just used by corporations like Suez and Nestlé who are the world’s largest privatizers of water to greenwash their image than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact.
For Nick Hepworth, Director Witness International, water scarcity is not only the problem of the CEO Water mandate, it is a global issue that we should all address and it is not an issue of water shortage but it is mainly due bad water management. In order to overcome this issue we have to monitor water management by government’s institutions for better and more efficient water supply. Also the government must let private companies participate in water

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