
Campus Carry Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

372. That is the number of mass shootings in the United States in the 2015 alone. Out of that 372, 64 were school shootings. Ever since the Columbine mass shooting in April of 1999 the country’s laws and regulations regarding gun control and how to prevent these horrible tragedies have been a highly debated topic. As more and more innocent lives are lost it is clear that something must be done to put a stop to not only mass shootings, but gun violence in general. The most recent solution, proposed specifically to decreased gun violence on college campuses is campus carry. Campus carry is allowing people to carry concealed firearms on college campuses (Doubleday). Many states have already put campus carry into effect, and many people are in favor of the law, stating that by allowing students and teachers to carry concealed firearms on campus would decrease the amount of shooting and make the campuses safer. On the other hand, that is a large majority of people against the law, arguing that college students can …show more content…

Students, especially in a college environment, should not be in possession of a firearm. College students go to parties and tend to get intoxicated. When under the influence, a student’s judgment becomes impaired, now add a gun into an already potentially dangerous environment and the consequences could be fatal. Even if students do exercise caution when handling their firearms, accidents can occur. According to Gun Violence Archive, there were 1,959 accidental shootings in 2015 and already 533 accidental shootings in 2016. Not only are guns dangerous at the hands of a shooter, but they are dangerous in the hands of anyone. Most students are not trained on how to operated a firearm, tend to make poor decisions and accidents do happen. In my opinion, students should not be allowed to have guns on campus, for the sake of everyone’s

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