
Campus Carry Laws Will Allow Law Abiding Citizens

Decent Essays

College is a time of rapid change in a young person’s life, it can be many things but most importantly it is a time where students start to truly grow into their academic abilities. All students deserve an equal chance to grow in a safe learning environment, but this is not always possible as our culture has become more violent in recent years. Campus carry laws will allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves in a sacred institution, which has seen significant rises in violence in recent years. Not every tragedy is preventable, but allowing a person who has a permit to carry their weapon at school can prevent future massacres.
Although every state has different laws stating their views about having guns on campus, there is one thing in common among states that allow guns at schools: those who do carry must do so with the utmost awareness One such responsible person is Huyler Marsh, who is a competitive target shooter and is one of the few students who has decided to carry at the University of Texas. He believes that he should be able to be responsible for his own safety and not have to rely on others. Albeit states like Texas do not require a permit to carry a weapon, other places do such as Colorado and Idaho among several others; requirements vary by state but all applicants must prove they are both mentally competent and physically capable of properly handling a gun as well as multiple background checks. If a person is properly trained with a weapon and they

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