
Can People Resist Normative And Informational Social Influence?

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Can people resist normative and informational social influence? Name: Emery Zhen Student ID: u5348471 Tutor’s Name: Sydney Kingstone Lab Time: Thursday 11-1pm Word Count: 2007 (include title page and references) Australian National University Can people resist to normative and informational social influence? There is a fundamental human need to belong to social groups especially if people were to live and work together, it is likely that they need to agree on common beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours in order to get along and fit-in. Thus, we learnt to conform to rules of other people, the more people see others behaving in a particular way or making particular decisions, the more likely people will feel obliged to follow the suit. This is called conformity and can be defined in different ways, Aronson, Wilson & Akert (2014) stated it is the changing of one’s behavior due to the real or imagined influence of other people. According to Deutsch and Gerard (1955), social influence should be distinguished into two types, the informational social influence and normative social influence. The occurrence of social influence has implied to many real life events, which has drawn many researchers to attention. This has lead many researchers to design distinct experiments to try and understand the cause of the conformity, whether conformity is situation dependent, and whether we are able to resist social influences. The influence of others leads us to conform because we see

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