
Can Rewards And Motivators Create A Drive For Better?

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It is a well-known fact that rewards and motivators create a drive for better results. Whether it be at work, school or a place of worship, we as people require recognition in order to continue and/or increase productivity (Gerdeman, "Harvard Business School"). Who doesn 't love receiving awards for their handwork? Rewards are issued in many forms, they can either be intrinsic or extrinsic, most college students work part time - some full - in order to live comfortably as the financial aid granted from schools along with scholarships and grants aren 't enough. Individuals attend post-secondary to better themselves as individuals, impact the society in a positive manner, and to pursuing their aspirations. The stress caused from working while in school tends to impede student academics, thus not allowing them to perform their finest. Students who earn a GPA of 3.7 or higher should receive free college tuition as a reward for their effort.

Affordable tuition has been a discussion for years. The cost of post-secondary education has been on the rise, leaving many students strangled in debt before they graduate. Tuition is defined as ' 'money that is paid to a school for the right to study there ' '(DICTIONARY.COM).

It is logical to provide hard workers with rewards and recognition, in order to continue the reception of enhanced results. Free college tuition for those who do just that – work hard – should be deliberated. This incentive will not only ignite a drive in students

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