
Canada Swot Analysis

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Following the Second World War, Canada has made various efforts to improve its peacekeeping reputation, and beginning with them joining the United Nations (UN) after its creation in 1945, they were mostly successful. However, not all of their efforts have been successful; they have also made some mistakes along the way. A few examples of Canada’s efforts within the last 60 years include the Suez Crisis in 1956, the United Nations Mission for Rwanda from 1993 to 1996 and United Nations Operation in Somalia in 1992. One of Canada’s most successful peacekeeping missions was the Suez Crisis that occurred in October 1956. The Suez Crisis was a battle for control of the Suez Canal which was a key trading route built by a French and British owned …show more content…

In 1990, a mainly Tutsi force named the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded Rwanda which had led to a civil war ( In August 1993, the Hutu government of Rwanda and the RPF had signed the Arusha Accords to create a Hutu-Tutsi joint government and weakened Hutus power in Rwanda, along with the Accord the United Nations had sent in the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda lead by Canadian General Romeo Dallaire. Everything was going well until April 6th, 1994 when the plane transporting Hutu president Juvénal Habyarimana was shot down and within a day fighting had begun ( Hutu extremists had taken control of the government and began the genocide, killing anyone that was Tutsi or looked like a Tutsi. Within only three months around 800,000 people had been murdered ( General Dallaire’s forces were heavily outnumbered at just 450 soldiers and he immediately requested an additional 5,000 troops but had only received 2,600 which were then reduced to a mere 500 men. It wasn’t until the mainly Tutsi RPF forces overtook the Hutu extremists and took control of the government that the genocide ended. This mission showed Canada’s commitment to peacekeeping, with the lack of forces being the main hindering factor for their

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