
Canadian Food Guide Research Paper

Decent Essays

HFA4U1 - Ms. Minos Abzhara Sasikumar
Canadian Food Guide Assignment

The Canadian Food Guide has changed over time due to fit the needs of Canadians as more scientific research and information has been found about nutrition and how to achieve overall health. For example in 1982, the Canadian Food Guide implemented a statement which encouraged Canadians to limit fat, sugar, salt and alcohol as a method to combat diet-related diseases (Canada, n.d). The food guide has also been altered over history to incorporate individuals with different diets based on culture, religion, and preferences. This was demonstrated in 1977, where they replaced ‘meat and fish’ to ‘meat and alternates’ to be inclusive …show more content…

Concerning the physical addition of showing Canadians to reduce the intake of sugary drinks, this is verified by Quebec Health Groups, in which they state “soda cans will come with a warning that drinking them may lead to obesity, diabetes and cavities” (Quebec, n.d.). The Senate has even put forth the motion to tax sugary foods and drinks (Zimonjic, 2016). This makes it an even more crucial to include it on the actual food guide. This reinforces the idea for the food guide to have a stricter stance on high calorie and high sugar foods like soda. Many dieticians have also agreed that drinking fruit juice does not have many benefits compared to eating fruits or just water, because of low fibre, high sugar and high calorie counts (Needs, 2016). Therefore, I think the food guide should remove juice from their suggestion list. A research finding that supports my recommendation for the reduction in consumption of red meat is from the National Post, they suggest in their article that “For decades, governments and scientists in the U.S. and Canada have warned of the harmful effects of saturated fat on the heart and cardiovascular system, urging consumers to shun butter, eggs and red meat” (Canada, n.d.). Another study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers continue by saying that

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