
Canadian Students Worthy of the Schulich Leader Schorarship

Decent Essays

While there are undoubtedly thousands of students across Canada who are worthy of receiving a Schulich Leader Scholarship, only a handful of those thousands can be selected to receive the prestigious award. That minority is composed of students who would make great Schulich leaders, and I believe I could be one of those individuals. My experiences in different areas of my life are what have shaped me into the person I am today; namely, these experiences consist of my academic endeavours and my involvement in extracurricular activities. As a result of these, I have become someone who can compete for the Schulich Leader Scholarship and for the countless, significant opportunities such an award offers. During my high school years, I can confidently say I have excelled in my academic endeavours. This success is partially due to my desire to learn. I am always intrigued by the lessons and concepts that are at the core of assigned work. My passion for learning has facilitated my learning process; because I am usually interested in the material that is being taught, my ability to retain and understand information is heightened. My academic success is also due to my drive to do the best I can. Since grade nine, I have demanded excellence from myself in all academic subjects. I strived to perform to the best of my abilities in the first high school years so that I would adopt that habit early and take it with me through the senior high school years. Finally, my academic excellence

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