
Cannabis Industry Essay

Decent Essays

The cannabis industry has become one of Colorado’s fastest growing industries. Dispensaries seem to be popping up like Starbucks in NYC. With shops selling products ranging from the “bud of the day” and vape pens to glass pipes and edibles of every kind imaginable, it would be hard to find a product that wouldn’t at least peak your curiosity. Among the many items, a category that’s gaining fast attention is the cannabis-infused beauty product line. Body lotions, skin cream, hair care, lip balms and even mascara are all infused with the plant. With the rise of this luxury skin care taking over the beauty world, it would be worth knowing why this plant is so popular and what it means for your beauty regimen.
Cannabis-infused beauty products …show more content…

Of all the cannabinoids, the two we’ll focus on are the two you’ve probably heard of the most: THC and CBD. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is what we use – and smoke – when we want to get high; it’s the psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant. It’s meant to be consumed. CBD (cannabidiol) is the compound that is used in all the aforementioned beauty products. CBD doesn’t have the same properties as THC, meaning, the way CBD reacts with your body is completely different than the way THC does. It’s like taking a multivitamin and expecting it do the same thing as Advil. Yes, that analogy may be way off but so is the idea that you can get high through your cannabis beauty …show more content…

CBD doesn’t. You must consume cannabis to experience that “weed high”. You don’t consume your face lotion. Or at least I hope you don’t. Then comes the question, if my cannabis face cream doesn’t get me high – what’s the point of having cannabis-infused beauty products? Fun fact: cannabis has been in beauty products for ages. You may be familiar with its more common name: hemp. Hemp is extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant and has been used to treat and prevent dry skin, inflammation, pain to localized areas and other skin issues such as eczema and acne. Hemp can do a lot for your beauty routine. What it can’t do is get you high. Hemp seed oil contains virtually no levels of THC and when the seeds are processed, the THC levels become almost nonexistent. Because of this, you can find hempseed oil based beauty products in most common grocery

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