
Capital Budgeting Case

Decent Essays

The recommendation to acquire Corporate B is due to multiple factors from analyzing the projected income statement and project cash flow statement for the next five years. The first thing reviewed was the revenue generated in comparison to the operating expenses, not including depreciation, before income taxes. Corporation A ranged from 20% to 24% over the five year projection, while Corporation B ranged from 40% to 42% over the same time period. The net income for Corporation A is consistent across the five year project and approximately 56% of revenues, indicating a large portion retained within the organization. Corporation B’s net income is approximately 40% over the same projection. If the only statement analyzed is the income …show more content…

The profitability index (PI) is the relationship between the cost and benefit of the investment (Keown et al., 2014). If the PI is greater than a value a one, this is an indication of financial gain (Keown et al., 2014). Corporation A had a PI of 1.08, while Corporation B’s PI is 1.16. Both Corporations’ PI is greater than one, however, Corporation B is more appealing because it is .08 high than Corporation A. The internal rate of return (IRR) is the rate of return the project is expected to earn, and the higher the number, the higher expected return on investment (Keown et al., 2014). Corporation A’s IRR is 13.052%, whereas Corporation B’s IRR is 16.941%. Corporation B’s expected IRR is 3.889% higher than Corporation A. The last area analyzed is the payback period. This is the number of years it will take to payback the initial investment (Keown et al., 2014). Corporation A has a payback of 3.53 years and Corporation B has a payback of 3.04 years. This indicates Corporation B’s initial investment of $250,000 will be recouped in just a little over three years. The analysis is clear based on all information gathered from reviewing the income statement, statement of cash flows, present value of future cash flows, net present value, profitability index, internal rate of return, and payback period, that Corporation B is the better investment.

Keown, A. J.,

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