
Capitalism Vs Capitalism

Decent Essays

Capitalism is at the forefront of the global economy, and some of the wealthiest countries in the world take part in that system. Many think capitalisms afford those in society an opportunity to earn a good life because those who can provide substantial service to society in whatever capacity will be rewarded based on merit. Proponents of capitalism think it gives equal opportunity to make something of oneself no matter people differences because all will be on an equal playing field when it comes to opportunity. However, many that will not receive that equal opportunity and will be stuck on the negative side of capitalism, which was explained by Karl Marx in his essay on Alienated labor. In this piece, Marx thinks capitalism alienates workers from the object of production, the production process, human’s species beings, and other humans. I concur because capitalism can rob many that take part in this economic ideology of their self-worth, minimize workers to an object, and reinforce the permittance of greed.
Many workers in a capitalistic system are disconnected from nature and fulfillment. According to Marx, humans understand who they are and finds their fulfillment, which is their species being, in life through their work. Animals naturally interact with nature to survive and reach their potential as a creature without any impediment. Humans are meant to interact with nature no differently. However, because workers in capitalism do not own the means of production,

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