
Capstone Simulation Experience Paper

Decent Essays

During the capstone simulation experience, I believe I performed well in quickly reporting the perforated bowel to the provider. This is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed quickly to prevent many serious complications such as: peritonitis, sepsis, hypovolemia, and low H&H due to excessive bleeding. The routine procedure of a colonoscopy is not without risks and this simulation experience was a great example of how an adverse event can go undetected until after discharge or when the physical symptoms appear and start ailing the patient.
Providing handoff report to the oncoming nurse, the operating room nurse, or the physician is something I need more practice in. I either feel as if I give too much information or not enough. The SBAR …show more content…

The patient will require surgery to repair the hole in the intestines, and subsequently will have a drainage tube, NG tube, and feeding tube. All drains will need to monitored for placement/movement, and drainage. Input and output will be closely monitored and recorded. The patient will remain on NPO, or nothing by mouth, to rest the bowels along with frequent assessments to monitor for infection and bleeding. The nurse will need to monitor for bowel sounds, vital sign changes, temperature changes, pain, abdomen girth, and wound/incision inspections. The following labs will require monitoring: CBC, H&H, albumin, BUN & creatinine, glucose, and ABG’s and lactic acid if sepsis is suspected. Careful and frequent monitoring of labs will alert the nurse if the patient develops sepsis, or hypovolemia due to excessive bleeding (Belinhof, et al., 2012). In addition to vital signs and labs, the nurse will also include patient assessment into consideration before drawing conclusions by means of critical thinking. After the full assessment has been made, the nurse will report any findings to the health care provider that require further investigation or

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