
Career Essay: The Perfect Softball Player

Decent Essays

As Katrina Mayer once said “Believe in your dreams. They were given to you for a reason.” As a child, we are always told to follow our dreams. I started playing softball at the age of 6 but started off in T-ball at the age of 3. I knew as soon as I stepped foot on the pitcher's mound during T-ball that is where I wanted to be. As a child, my dream has always been to become an artist. That dream has not changed, it has just evolved over time. Often times I would look for approval from my peers. I felt like I always needed to impress others more than myself. I would try to be a perfect softball player or artist. I have learned that it is okay to make mistakes. Also, that everyone should follow their dreams without having to worry what others …show more content…

Our imperfections are what makes us who we are. Everyone is bound to make mistakes. Some people learn from their mistakes the first time they make it. For others, it may take two or three times before they realize that it is wrong. No one should be judged for the minor mistakes they make in life. There comes a time when everyone will make the same or similar mistake. We are the first people to notice our mistakes. No one needs everyone telling them about it. For instance, during a game when a pitcher is pitching and the pitch is imperfect. As a pitcher, I know where the ball is going to end up as soon as the ball leave my hand. I do not need the rest of the team telling me it was a bad pitch and I need to correct it. It is up to me to make that correction. This goes for any position I play. Even when I am painting or drawing and I make an error I notice it right away. Over time, I have learned how to fix my mistakes. We are the first to notice the mistakes we made. The mistakes we make are learning experiences. We were not made to be perfect. People are bound to make mistakes. That is what makes us …show more content…

Growing up we all have dream jobs that often change as we become older. For me, that dream job has not changed. My dream job is to become an artist. When I was younger I did not know what kind of artist I desired to be. I just knew I wanted to do something in the world of art. Over the years, my dream has become more evolved. As of now my dream job is to be a Graphic Designer. Everyone has dreams or goals. Some people reach them before others it just takes time. There is no set time limit to reach your goals. We can make our dreams a reality if we try. During a T-ball game, I was on the pitcher’s mound. From that moment I knew that I wanted to learn how to pitch. When I moved onto softball I was able to make that dream a reality. My coach taught me how to pitch and I have been pitching ever since. It took many hours of practice and dedication to be where I am now, but it was worth it. Everyone should follow their dreams and not let others tell them otherwise. I did not let anyone stop me from becoming a pitcher, nor tell me I should give up on my

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