
Carol Schimpf's Random Love

Decent Essays

Complications of Love In today's society, it is common for people to mislead those they love, one may wonder about the feelings of those who are put into this position. When Carol Schimpf wrote “Random Love,” she created a persona who was caught up in feelings towards someone who did not have their best interest in mind. Through Schimpf’s use of imagery, tone, and incremental refrains, she communicates the theme that people develop the mindset of it being acceptable to come and go from another person's life when that individual allows it to happen. As the speaker starts the poem about how a second of sadness that is brought by another person can outweigh all the happiness that person has brought, it seems as though the other character in …show more content…

These refrains would serve as more than just a repeated stanza. These incremental refrains took place in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth stanzas. In the second stanza, the speaker asks “Can it be forever dark?” (6). The first two words in this line seem to be asking permission, “Can your random love / Only leaving me desiring more?”(7-8). The structure of the fourth stanza makes it seem as though there is a possibility by stating, “Might it be forever dark?” / Might your random love / Only leave me desiring more?”(14-16). The change from the poet asking can it to might it makes it seem as though the speaker may understand the situation is one-sided and unfair. The fourth stanza goes on to take about the future “Will it be forever dark” (22) this line shows that the speaker is uncertain if things will change in the future. Adding “Will your random love / Only leave me desiring more?”(23-24). The fourth refrain creates a negative possibility that nothing will change and it will remain one-sided unless the speaker wanted to take action. It goes from asking will it change to “Must is be forever dark?” / Must your random love / Only leave me desiring more?” (25-27). In the final refrain in the poem the speaker goes on to start from the beginning and questions the situation by asking “Why is it forever dark?”(38), this line makes it seem as though the speaker knows that there is no point in trying anymore, however, is still hopeful for a good ending. The poet ends the poem by the lines “Why does your random love / Only leave me desiring more?” (39-40). The incremental refrains were used to connect each thought of the speaker to the overall theme that people will continuously use you if you do not stand up for yourself and stop it from

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