
Case Analysis : Managing Business Ethics Essay

Good Essays

Ethical dilemmas are virtually impossible to avoid if you are a participant in the workforce. The definition of an ethical dilemma stands as a situation that challenges two or more “right” values that arise in a conflict (Treviño & Nelson, 2014). As ethical persons, how may we overcome ethical dilemmas and finish on the “right” side? The research mentioned in Trevino’s and Nelson’s book, “Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How to Do It Right,” suggests that preparing for specific ethical challenges before a situation occurs can adequately prepare the workforce to better handle real-world applications when an ethical situation transpires. The notion that ethics is teachable inspires the following case analysis. The case analysis involving chemical safety will discuss the facts and issues, stakeholders, decision alternatives, and real-work constraints. Focusing on each of the previously mentioned topics, I will describe the applications using Utilitarian, Kantian Ethics, and Rawlsian Justice Analysis’s. I. Facts and Issues Recently, a good friend of mine hired me on for the positon of Vice President for Research, Development, and Safety for a mid-sized chemical refinery company. Shortly after, I found out that the old management team had neglected to take care of chemical tanks sitting under our headquarters building. The company drained the tanks holding the chemicals, ranging from oil to highly toxic chemicals, nearly twenty years ago. Unfortunately, a strong

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