
Case Study 2: Flat Tummy Co.

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A selfie is something that everyone has taken, regardless of age or gender. In today’s society, a selfie can be used for many reasons, but mostly to share on social media. Marketing professionals have picked up on the habits created by those who take selfies, and in turn, have made selfies a part of marketing promotions. Selfies can represent a brand, and those who are featured in the selfie can be very influential when it comes to selling the product or service. Our group conducted research and followed up with interviews to uncover the motivation behind the use of selfies in marketing. Selfies can be used in marketing campaigns to raise awareness to the brand, but they come with a risk that marketers are willing to take.

A selfie is defined …show more content…

Flat Tummy Co. is a detox tea company. Flat Tummy Co. sells different teas and shakes that claim to help ‘get that tummy flat, and keeping it that way.’ More than just selling detox teas and shakes, Flat Tummy Co. sells an idealized lifestyle. To sell this idealized lifestyle Flat Tummy Co. employs celebrities and influencers to promote the products as something used in their daily lives. There is no proof that the teas and shakes sold by Flat Tummy Co. do anything to flatten a consumers stomach. This fact is widely known and available to learn as influencers, companies, and individuals concerned with actual physical health speak up about the scam being run by Flat Tummy Co. But, due to the impact influencers and celebrities have on consumers that are concerned with their physical appearance and public image consumers continue to buy a product that has not shown healthy or lasting results. This is an example of selfies in marketing being a successful advertising tactic in terms of business growth, but it compromises the integrity of the company and the influencers that promote the …show more content…

A common theme amongst our interviewees, was buying a product because the Kardashians had endorsed as they are often looked to as authority figures in our society. Another commonality amongst our findings was that we found most people question their purchases after they’ve been bought. Regardless of the item, whether it is a fishing rod or makeup, almost all of our interviewees all mentioned having a feeling of guilt for purchasing an impulse buy that was stimulated from a selfie used in marketing. One of the main differences in our findings was whether or not our interviewees would stop buying from a brand if the celebrity endorsing them had a scandal. The answers to this question were all over the board. Some said that they don’t care if a celebrity messes up and it has no effect on their relationship with the brand, while others thought that unless the brand was directly involved, they also did not care. Some, however, said that they would stop purchasing from a brand if they had a scandal with a celebrity

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