
Case Study : A Plastic Pipe Manufacturer, Was Not An Exception

Decent Essays

Being able to increase productivity and revenues has always been the greatest challenge of any manager, and the manager of RL Wolfe, a plastic pipe manufacturer, was not an exception. Because of the low-efficiency percentage RL Wolfe had in comparison to their its competitors, John Amasi, director of Production and Engineering , had no other choice then came up with a new way of improving RL Wolfe production methods. 1) Compare and contrast the new plant to the old in terms of work design. Identify and rank order the most challenging problems and describe possible solutions. John Amasi attempteds to implement self-directed teams in order to increase their productivity. Being able to make their own decisions would reduced the time of production time significantly. But such improvement did not come easy, many impasses showed in his way because of the differences between the way things were made and the way Amasi wanted to be. The decision making was one the first differences to face, in order to fulfil this task, employees were empowered by the managers in order to be able to make daily decisions, whichthat were usually made by the headquarters, that being done, a good alternative for improving this process would make a retroactive way of teaching, employees with seniority should eventually start teaching new recruiters and repeat the cycle. The second problem they face was the develop of job assignments, for this matter, training was also the obvious and more accurate

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