
Case Study : Attendance At Swu Football Games

Decent Essays

Case study: Attendance at SWU Football Games
Answer 1)
To start with, the 1st model used is regression line method. According to this method, the technique fits a trend line to a series of historical data point and the projects the line into the future for medium to long range forecasts
Trend projection 2011:
Years Time period Demand/yr T2 Y*t Forecasting Error
2005 1 174200 1 174200 169828.6 4371.425
2006 2 176900 4 353800 181357.1 4457.145
2007 3 192600 9 577800 192885.7 285.715
2008 4 202500 16 810000 204414.3 1914.285
2009 5 216600 25 1083000 215942.9 657.145
2010 6 229100 36 1374600 227471.4 1628.575
2011? (7) 239000
Total 21 1191900 91 4373400 ∑13314.29
Forecasting – Y = 158300.005 + 11528.57t ; Error = Actual – forecast …show more content…

We will be using the seasonal trend above to forecast the 5 Saturday home game in 2011
Games Attendance Demand per game 2011
1 239000/5 * 0.9963 = 47623
2 239000/5 * 1.1364 = 54321
3 239000/5 * 1.0672 = 51012
4 239000/5 * 0.7567 = 36174
5 239000/5 * 1.0432 = 49869

Projected attendance for 2012:
Games Attendance Average Demand Average/game Seasonal trend 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
1 34200 36100 35900 41900 42500 46900 47623 40732 40883 0.9963
2 39800 40200 46500 46100 48200 50100 54321 46460 40883 1.1364
3 38200 39100 43100 43900 44200 45900 51012 43630 40883 1.0672
4 26900 25300 27900 30100 33900 36300 36174 30939 40883 0.7567
5 35100 36200 39200 40500 47800 49900 49869 42653 40883

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