
Case Study: Comcast Vs. Time Warner Cable

Decent Essays

i. Preview: Net Neutrality It’s the biggest fight of the year Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson. Two of the best heavy weight boxers of all time are preparing to go head to head in the ring. Which one do you choose? The one with the lightning fast speed or the one with heavy jabs. Now imagine your internet service providers going toe to toe. Comcast vs Time Warner cable. When you consider the amount of subscribers each of them has numbers show that Comcast 22.3 million which is twice the amount of consumers as Time Warner coming in at just 12 million.

ii. Although each internet service provider are neither lightweights within the industry, it is safe to that Comcast has far more Conglomerate power than any other smaller internet service provider. With this type of power …show more content…

I will argue that Net Neutrality shall remain constitutional however it should not give the government power over the internet. Also charging everyone the same price for their internet usage isn’t fair so it should be regulated and it would present problematic issues such the muting of controversy in speech.

B. Body Paragraphs

i. Verizon v FCC(2014) in this case the Appeals Court of D.C ruled that the Federal Communication Commission could NOT regulate internet service providers as “common carriers” and in fact that these companies could favor some content over other content with higher speeds. I will argue how unconstitutional and “unfair” this ruling due to the fact that some content providers thrives off of the internet solely.

ii. Also charging all the users the same price should be regulated essentially if the person uses more data they should pay for more data, and the people who doesn’t should pay less.

iii. Allowing ISPs the opportunity to favor their data or broadband with as desired would also enable smaller business owners or even start up entrepreneurs an unfair advantage to create a market or even properly launch the business due to the anti-competitiveness.


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