
Case Study: Early Intervention

Decent Essays

John is a 20-year-old first year student at the university. He has been having unusual experiences which include hearing of voices which have become increasingly common. He has isolated himself from his friends and is no longer involved in activities that he used to do. He rather chooses to stay in his university room, listen to music and smoke cannabis. His upcoming exam is stressing him and has triggered persecutory delusions. John has a history of suicidal thought although he denies current suicidal ideation. Early Intervention John’s GP has referred him to the Early Intervention Service (EIS) for treatment and support Adults and young people like John presenting with early psychotic symptoms should start treatment in EIS within two weeks of referral (NICE 2014). Unlike people with chronic psychosis, those with first episodes are younger usually in their late teens and early adulthood. …show more content…

John can receive care up to three years and can be extended if he has not made a stable recovery. Late intervention can lead to John being hospitalised under the Mental Health Act

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