
Case Study: Ebscohost/Frontiers In Psychiatry

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EBSCOHost / Frontiers in Psychiatry Online social networking sites and mental health research. Authors: Toseeb, Umar Inkster, Becky Toseeb, U., & Inkster, B. (2015). Online social networking sites and mental health research. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 61-4. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00036 Nowadays, Social Media plays a majority role in our daily life’s, seriously we can’t live without it. Before the digital age, socializing and networking weren’t as popular, but now Social Networking Sites and Digital Social Media platforms such as vine, Facebook and Instagram has officially brought a new era for socializing and networking. However, this doesn’t simplify that this is making a positive change within our society. Even though, Social networks can …show more content…

(2015). Should your university SnapChat?. University Business, 18(3), 22. As Snapchat launched in 2011, it has been a serious threat to other Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Due to the fact, many college level students are using the older social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter less and are using Snapchat instead. As a fact, college and universities use such platforms for marketing purposes, which leads colleges with the need to use Snapchat as a marketing tool. Luckily, Snapchat made the smart move to take the direction of using college students as part of their main targeted audiences. Shortly within their launch, Snapchat added a feature called “Campus Stories” which allows college and university campuses across the world to expose themselves in a more personal level. In other words, the Campus Stories allows authorized staff to add stories shared by any user in the “Campus Stories.” Which allows any users across Snapchat to view the stories and experience a more personal level advertising exposure. Many campuses also use Snapchat to communicate acceptances and exciting news with their students. Not only was this a motivation for colleges to use Snapchat as a tool but also the fact that 77 percent of high school students used Snapchat on a daily

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