
Case Study: Medication Errors That Cause Death

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Medication errors that cause death
I felt several emotions after reading the case study about the Colorado nurses. I was angry, sad and concerned when I finished reading the case. How could a nurse be charged criminally for a medication error? Nurses are here to help and care for patients. I was very saddened at the death of the patient, and felt sympathy for the family, the nurses and the pharmacist. I was initially a little angry the pharmacist could make such a horrific mistake, but then realized that was a mistake.
Nurse’s error
I think the courts should have looked at the whole picture. I do not understand why the nurses where charged and the pharmacist was not charged. The nurse administering the medication made a medication error by not checking for the correct dosage, but the pharmacist also made medication error when he/she prepared the medication. There are always other circumstances to consider when a medication error is made, the nurse may have just worked a double shift, then came in the day for an additional shift. Fatigue and errors suggest may nurses should have limits set on the number of hours they work (Conroy, 2007). Nurses work to do no harm, so trying to prevent further pain to a newborn would be something any nurse would do. Nurse shaming and blaming for doing things we all are capable, never makes a system safer (Alexander, 2014). …show more content…

They can shot a suspect, if it is unfounded, they can be brought up on criminal charges. If a bank teller made an error, they would be made to correct the error, not be brought up on criminal charges. If someone in the education field made an error, they would be made to correct it. As professional nurse we are held to higher standards. The medical field, is one of caring, helping, try to heal, I believe that may be why this is so hard to

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