
Case Study: Nike

Decent Essays

According to Lynch (2011), knowledge is known as a resource of the organization which has to be analyzed. The exploration of knowledge, helped in the creation of new knowledge, which opens up new opportunities for the organization. Knowledge does not only include data and information. It includes recorded information messages and discrete, observable facts about events that occur in an organization.

Phil Knight, as a middle distance runner himself saw the unmet demand for a shoe with a lighter design. With this knowledge, he imported Tiger running shoes from Japan. Bearing technical knowledge on the aspect of the Tiger running shoes, Bowerman then invented US-designed running shoes. With high demand, they were then able set up Nike’s own …show more content…

It also enables Nike to enter new geographical market segments as they sign deals with teams across continents. This is the point where Nike revels in the true power of sponsorship deals. The “swoosh” logo and their well-known slogan, “just do it” showed that Nike had understood the importance of branding. Every Nike product has the “swoosh” logo that helped consumers to identify their brand. Nike was also very clear of their target market the “young, cool and competitive teenagers”.

3.2 What other resources beyond knowledge does the company possess that offer clear sustainable competitive advantage?
Resources other than knowledge are tangible and intangible factors within an organization which can provide benefits towards the growth of the company based on its competencies.

When Nike first started off, Phil relied on his network of contacts with athletes to promote on the Tiger running shoes they were selling. Nike also has a global distribution capacity as demonstrated when they readily entered Taiwan and Korea when Japan was unfavorable for their manufacturing processes due to high …show more content…

When Reebok first emerged, Nike was at a loss. However, they quickly recovered and countered with innovating the Nike Air Shoe sponsored by Michael Jordan which brought them back to their feet. Nike also had strong financial capabilities with the bountiful sums they have invested into sports marketing. They have a strong enough financial standing to carry on innovative processes which are costly to produce the Nike Air Shoe.

3.3 From a consideration of this case, what conclusions can you draw on the emergent purpose of Nike in relation to its knowledge?
The emergence of Nike and its success all lies on their knowledge in terms of the experiences over the years and the lessons that they have learnt to effectively bring their business to a success. The key knowledge, which led to its success, was unearthed when it invested in sports marketing and the potential in which it had in driving the brand name of Nike across its competitors and customers. It was this strong branding that led Nike from selling shoes at a station wagon to being one of the biggest sports and fitness producer in the world

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