
Case Study Of Robert Deal From Emory University

Decent Essays

Robert Deal from Emory University is studying to learn about plants and their memory of stress. When plants face dry weather, their stomata shrink to reduce water loss. When a similar situation places the plants under stress again, the plant seems to recall this experience and recovers quicker. Robert Deal, who studies genetics and biochemistry, hopes to utilize this trait and pinpoint its gene. If he can locate and activate the genetic material associated with this memory, he believes he can speed up the process and cause plants to have the gene activated at all times, allowing the plants to withstand drier and warmer temperatures. Other researchers have been striving for a similar goal, using the genetic material of plants to create new hybrids that can withstand extreme weather. Across the globe, scientists have been making modified plant varieties that can resist drought, a growing concern as climate change becomes a more prominent issue. One hybrid has already existed since 2011 on the market. The corn plant, known as DroughtGuard, was bred to resist drought. It contains a gene from a bacteria that allows it to produce in times of water shortage. This corn crop has been approved …show more content…

Some worry that the farmers will become dependent on corporations that produce these genetically modified organisms. Others worry about the consumption of these modified crops and the affects they may have on health, or that these plants may harm the ecosystem. One expert worries that the focus on genetic tinkering draws attention away from safer methods that also provide more produce, such as crossbreeding. However, if the efforts to create crops resistant to drought are successful, humans will be able to resist and adapt to climate change better. While it is important to learn to adapt to climate change, humans should also make an effort to stop and prevent it and its

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