
Case Study On Non-For-Profit Charity

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The witch’s boss, Mr. Fergusson, didn't accuse as so much as nonchalantly implied, to Jenna's mother that she possibly would be considered a person of interest in the disappearance of said funds. Jenna's mother had been widely known for being a woman whom appreciated possessions of a finer quality. Even if such things far exceeded what her income as a treasurer of a non-for-profit charity would allow. Such extravagances, she routinely liked to indulge in would have always remained out of her reach if she hadn’t helped herself along at times. Even when her husband’s meager income as a paramedic been factored along with hers, it still remained obvious to anybody who knew her that she’d been aided financially in one way or another. …show more content…

Courtesy of a high-priced doctor who was all too willing to write prescriptions for his customers who had the means and willingness to pay for his extravagant services. Jenna’s mother had been to upset over the phone call she had with her boss and needed a little something to help take the edge off her shaken nerves. She knew that she shouldn't mix the pills with alcohol, but she’d scoffed at it anyways. She desired something strong enough to put her mind at ease and hopefully work as a sedative so she could eventually get some sleep that …show more content…

You're never too old for trick-or-treating.” April chided him. “Besides, I thought you were all in a huff to get back to your story?” “Alright, alright,” Murray hissed at April. “Now where was I? Oh, yeah,”

The witch cracked open Jenna's bedroom door, peeking in only to find that indeed Jenna was sound asleep still in her Halloween costume and surrounded by candy wrappers while the television droned on in a murmur of the late night news. Having seen the mess and the television left on the witch threw up her hands dramatically into the air as if to say, what, can't turn off the TV? She then crept into the room to power the television down herself, but had elected to leave Jenna in her costume still lying in among the candy wrappers. If that's the way you want to put yourself to bed, Fine. The witch thought to herself before she left the room. After the witch seemed satisfied that Jenna was asleep and would no longer be a burden for the rest of the night, she opened up her second bottle of wine, and popped a few more of her little white pills. For the anxiety of potential pending legal troubles kept creeping into her mind weighting her thoughts down as heavy as

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