
Case Study: The Force Awakened Diabetes

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The Force Awakened Diabetes
Deondra M. Braden
University of South Florida
The Force Awakened Diabetes
Mr. Skywalker’ doctor has diagnosed him with Type 2 Diabetes and prescribed oral medication for treatment. Diabetes in a nutshell, indicates that a patient has high blood sugar levels (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2014). Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes making up about 90-95 percent of all diagnosed cases (Debruyne, Pinna, & Whitney, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship nutrition has with diabetes.
Disease Process
In Type 2 Diabetes, the body either doesn’t make or process insulin well (NIH, 2014). This deficiency stops glucose from feeding cells energy and increases levels in the blood stream (NIH, 2014). According to the National Institutes of Health (2014), high blood …show more content…

Skywalker’ education includes understanding diet is one of the biggest parts of managing his diabetes. He should incorporate whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables as these promote better glycemic control. By limiting red or salted meat intake he can lower his fat and sodium levels (UMMC, 2012). When in doubt the patient can use MyPlate to ensure he is following the approved American Diabetic Association diet guidelines.
Moving Forward
Mr. Skywalker will have a leg up in managing his Type 2 Diabetes by being aware of what he puts in his body. This may be a lifestyle change for the patient but it doesn’t have to be the end of his life. Symptoms can get worse without proper diet management. Symptoms can also improve with diet management. The relationship nutrition has with diabetes can be either negative or positive but the outcome is up to the patient.
DeBruyne, L., Pinna, K., & Whitney, E. (2012). Nutrition & diet therapy (8th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Diabetes - type 2. (2012, May 22). Retrieved November 21, 2015, from

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