
Case Study a&P1

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Case Studies

1. A small family was traveling in its van and had a minor accident. The children in the back seats were wearing lap belts, but still sustained numerous bruises about the abdomen, and had some internal organ injuries. Why is this area more vulnerable to damage than others? Name specific organs that would be injured, as well as the abdominopelvic quadrant and region in which they are found. What injuries might you suspect in the damaged organs?

The area is vulnerable because all of the visceral organs in the peritoneal cavity are not protected by the rib cage. The rib cage only protects the pleural half, which contains the heart, lungs. The kidneys, stomach, liver and other peritoneal visceral organs are …show more content…

Protein is obviously what everyone’s body part is made up of protein and so the fibrous tissue which is result to healing if low protein this tissue is not synthesized and high protein can increase it rates. Carbohydrates, as they are provide the main structural materials required for growth, repair, and maintenance of tissue. A&P 9th ed. Pg.50

6. Your patient has a respiratory disease that has literally paralyzed the cilia. Explain why this patient would be at an increased risk for a respiratory infection. What type of treatment might you want to give to this person? Please be specific. The cilia helps filter the air we breathe and prevent harmful particles from making it to the lungs. If they are paralyzed, he cannot provide this function and the pt is therefore at a greater risk for infectious pathogens. A&P 9th ed. Pg.70 7. A 19-year-old model tripped over an extension cord, causing injury to her epidermis. She is afraid the injury will leave a scar. Based on your knowledge of regeneration, what would you say to this patient? Why? Please incorporate all the steps in tissue regeneration in your answer. Without macrophages, wound healing is delayed. Why? Because damaged fetal tissues do not produce the same types of growth factors that the tissues do. The result is a thickened mass of scar tissue that begins at the site

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