
Case of United States Versus Microsoft Essay

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Case of United States Versus Microsoft
United States versus Microsoft Corporation case was a set of combined civil engagements filed against Microsoft relating to the Sherman Antitrust Act by the Department of Justice. In the case, the Department of Justice purported that Microsoft abused monopoly supremacy on PCs in its control of OS sales and web browser software sales (Lohr& Brinkley, 2001). The conflict evolved around the integration of the internet explorer browser software in Microsoft’s Windows OS; a move that was argued to restrict web browser competitors like Opera and Netscape from accessing the browser market. Microsoft argued that it did not have a case to answer and stated the misfortune was the result of the fierce …show more content…

Moreover, independent software manufactures and developers selling PCs loaded with Windows OS had much at stake in the trials. Minimizing the substantial business uncertainty stimulated by continuing litigation would thus serve the concern of the hardware and software companies in general.
Economic analysts propose that in conflicts or disputes, concession rather than exclusion, is the best rule. According to a basic principle of economics, when costs are low, parties or players will willingly transact if an equally advantageous transaction is possible. This is evident, as a vast majority of legal disputes have been settled in such a way.
Settlements of awaiting litigation normally represent a concession that takes related information into account and offers benefits to both parties (Glader, 2006). If the settlement is not mutual, the decision of continuing the hearing is likely to victimize one party and halt negotiations. The fact that the government and Microsoft Corporation came to an agreement after several unsuccessful efforts to do so in the past implies that the planned settlement was not a win for the government or Microsoft; but a central ground reflecting the facts of the case, the court

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