
Cassandra Clare's Lady Midnight

Decent Essays

Lady Midnight is a novel which includes many of the genre’s we read today. Whether it be Fantasy, Action, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, it does not matter. It’s all packed into one. This story is one of many to come, a trilogy, but it is a sort of sequel to the other books of Cassandra Clare’s. It would be beneficial to you if you’d read the rest of her books; The Mortal Instruments (city of bones, city of ashes, city of glass, city of fallen angels, city of heavenly fire and city of lost souls), The Infernal Devices (Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince and Clockwork Princess) The Bane Chronicles, and The Shadowhunter Academy. The author has written a book of pain, separation, loss, blood, torture, war, vengeance and forbidden love, and yet has …show more content…

Honestly, picking a favourite character is like picking which slice of pizza you have next - near to impossible. But, if I absolutely had to, I would go for Mark. With all of his weirdness, his unfamiliarity with human life, trusting nature, brooding persona, broken heart, loving mind, and his habit to make things go wrong where he didn’t mean it to, well, it speaks to me. It warms my heart so much, too much that I clutch the book to my heart every day. He, like me, and many others, are classed as outcasts, disregarded just for being different to them all. I love him for the way he is broken and yet still surviving, in the way he doesn’t allow what the fairies did to him define him, and in the way he is still who he is, even with all the harm done to him. The characters all felt like they were alive and with me, hurt and scared and damaged, and even though they weren’t really with me, every step of the way, every page I read and word is kept safe in my mind, I moved with them. I hurt as they did, and found hope in the same things they did.

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