
Catcher In The Rye Depression Essay

Decent Essays

A Problem Through the Ages “If there is a god or whatever something somewhere, why have I been abandoned by everyone and everything that known? I 've ever loved? What is the lesson? What is the point? God give me a sign or I have to give up. I can 't do this anymore. Please let me die.” (Kesha,Praying). Depression has always been a problem throughout time and how people deal with it. Even though people have different backgrounds depression seems to affect them in the same way. In the book, Catcher in the Rye, Holden the main character changes after his brother Allie died. Holden seems to never get over his brother 's death which and changes his way of thinking. So how does, Justine of a completely different background who doesn 't lose a …show more content…

Justine later moved to Maryland and it became t o be too much for her like Holden when he finally like his school. Justine started to do all types of things and most importantly drink all the time. She got a job with at a local bar and bought an apartment with her friend that didn’t work out so she moved in with her godmother. This is very similar to when Hoden got kicked out of Pencey and didn 't make the greatest choices when he was out on his own. Through all of this Justine and Holden were depressed and don 't care about happened to them in life. In the book Holden got into many fights that could have been avoided some could have turned out to be very dangerous. In the text it says “But I 'm crazy. I swear to God I am. About halfway to the bathroom, I sort of started pretending I had a bullet in my guts. Old 'Maurice had plugged me. ”( Salinger pg 44) Maurice was a dangerous guy and could have caused real harm to him. Justine used to do the same thing she used to drink and drive and got into many car accidents. One of the car accidents led to her attempting to commit suicide in the bath tub. Because she was depressed she decided that hse wanted to end her life so she drank a bunch alcohol and all the pills she could find and tried to overdose. Luckily she was found and was able to be revived thanks to the

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