
Cause And Effect Essay On School Start Times

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Will the Dover school district be pushing the daily start time of school back? According to Fosters Daily Democrat, (Greater Dover, Rochester and Somersworth local paper) this topic was of main interest during last night’s school board meeting. An article from the Portsmouth Herald was shared during deliberations, citing “Recent scientific studies have shown many positive results for students with later school start times. Student grades as well as overall health benefit from later start times.” With that being said, Dover Superintendent Elaine Arbour, in my point of view, took that with a grain of salt. She had many valid points that could obstruct this change. Furthermore, Elaine went on to list some notable conflicts like availability of …show more content…

Functionalism is made up of many integrated parts that work together to keep production flowing throughout society. I’ll provide an example of how I viewed functionalism to generate a better understanding of the process. During a baseball game, imagine you’re out on the field playing third base. You’re not out there alone, you have eight other players with you, all with specific jobs. Your objective is to acquire an out, you need the pitcher to throw the ball, catcher to catch the ball, fielder to field the ball, and an umpire to enforce the call. Say I snatch a ball hit to me at third base, in order to obtain the out I must throw the ball to first base, then the first baseman must catch it, and in conclusion the umpire will rule him out. It’s a team affair, we all functioned collectively to secure the out, I can’t throw the ball to an empty bag, I need the first baseman to be there for me. August Comte and Herbert Spencer viewed society as a living organism. Resembling Animals, we all have organs to keep our bodies jolting around, lacking properly functioning organs, we die. Emile Durkheim additionally viewed society as being composed of numerous parts, respectively, working together to form a societal

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