
Causes And Consequences Of Teen Pregnancy

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There is a big problem that is going on in the United States and it is teen pregnancy. The United States have the highest teen birth rates than any other western industrialized nations. Teen pregnancy doesn’t only affect the teen and the baby, it affects everyone around them including their family and the society around them. There are solutions to teen pregnancy that doesn't only include the teen and their family, it includes the community. Teens need to know the risks and consequences of teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy causes problems for the teen, the baby, and everybody around them. “Teen pregnancy costs society billions of dollars a year. There are nearly half a million children born to teen mothers each year and most of these mothers are unmarried, and many will end up poor and on welfare”. Since the teen mothers are more than likely going to end up poor and on welfare, the federal government spends billions of dollars a year on families with teen pregnancy. In the end, it is essentially affecting everybody because that is tax dollars going towards the welfare the federal government gives the families. When a teen has a baby, not only does the teen or the family pay for the baby, but so does the rest of the community. If the teen waits to have a child until she is older, she is more likely to not go on welfare because she will more likely have support, have more money, and she won't have to raise the kid on her own (Cape).
Teen mothers have a high risk of having

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