
Causes And Fall Of The Qing Dynasty

Decent Essays

Between the years of 1646 to 1912, the Qing Dynasty proclaimed the longest ruling dynasty in China. Over the 275 years of ruling China, the inevitable fall of the Qing Dynasty is still debated by historians. From key contributing factors such as internal crisis, inability to adequately cope with foreign powers and incompetent rulers who were unable to rise from old tradition led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty.
As early as 1793 the Qing Dynasty began to have trouble with their trades. When China began to work with the British for trade it became an exploitive exchange from the British. Western trade was limited to the Southern port of Canton (Guangzhou).This was known as the Canton trade system period (1757-1842). The Chinese government issued trading licenses exclusively to authorized merchants. These merchants would be the only ones allowed to deal with Western traders. This system helped keep trade with foreign countries running smoothly and, by extension, helped to eliminate the possibility of external threats. In Britain's case, as the demand for tea rose and the production of manufactured goods increased during the Industrial Revolution, it wanted to develop and increase trading opportunities and to establish diplomatic relations with China. This led to Macartney's famous British mission to China in 1793. China began to enforce rules that were as fickle as wind, England decided to send lord Macartney as an Ambassador to Emperor Qianlong to negotiate safer and

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