
Causes Of Friar Lawrence In Romeo And Juliet

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The story of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, results in a tragedy where both main characters die. Friar Lawrence, a character Romeo and Juliet turn to for advice, is the cause of this tragedy. Friar Lawrence is responsible for organising the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, devising a plan to help Juliet fake her death, and he is responsible for the letter informing Romeo of this plan which does not arrive. These three events lead to both Romeo and Juliet committing suicide.
Friar Lawrence is responsible for the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence is completely aware of the feud between the Montague and Capulet families, which does not deter him from organising the marriage of this young couple. With the hope of restoring peace between Montagues and Capulets by turning the “households' rancour to pure love” Friar Lawrence agrees to organise the marriage (II, iii, 92). Friar Lawrence expresses his doubts about this marriage only a few scenes later by saying, “so smile the heavens upon this holy act, that after-hours with sorrow chide us not (II, vi, 1-2).” Friar Lawrence hopes the heavens will approve of his decision to organise this marriage, as he does not want to regret it later. He says this as he recognises that Romeo is far too young to understand what love is and that he should not be in such a serious relationship. Even though Friar Lawrence knows that this marriage could have Romeo and Juliet punished by their families and that this decision

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