
Causes Of Gangs

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When the word “gangs” comes to mind, one can immediately picture a big, tall male figure often covered with tattoos, piercings, and maybe even a bald-headed guy. One might think that gangs only occur in areas like Los Angeles, Brooklyn, and areas illustrated in movies. Gangs are also becoming more glorified in the media. For example, while listening to a rap song on the radio, some sort of gang reference will come up. Gangs can often target the young and the vulnerable due to many reasons, such as peer pressure and fear. Also, they may target someone who is in need and vulnerable for falling into gang violence and actions.
Some of the direct causes for individuals to join gangs are due to the social aspect. It can be because of the peer …show more content…

Once you’re in, there are only two ways to get out: by dying or running” (Martinez Pg 33). Therefore, sometimes young adults or even adults feel pressured to be involved or to continue being involved in gangs because they have the fear of being murdered. Sometimes the fear of being left out pressures them into getting involved in gangs, and they end up leading a violent lifestyle. Since gangs are typically associated with fear, most individuals can fall into this peer pressure to join a gang due to fear of the consequences which can range from violence, like threats, to even their death.
Another aspect of feeling accepted can come from family related issues. “Young people might feel that they don't receive enough support or attention at home. They may be trying to escape a negative home life, or may be looking for a father figure. Gangs often make promises to give unconditional support and to become the ‘family they never had” (Why People Join Gangs). In some cases, individuals who join gangs can be looking for a way out of their home. This can be due to family issues they are experiencing, or also they may not be receiving attention in their home. Gangs are often seen in areas where poor living conditions occur and where social economic statuses are present.Children and teens living in these circumstances can experience lack of attention simply because the family needs to work and meet ends meet. This circumstance, which does not seem so malicious, can leave the

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