
Causes Of The American Civil War

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There is no debating the cause of the American Civil War. The root of this historical war was slavery. The United States’ Civil War was over the ideology of slavery: the morality, expansion, and abolishment. Conditions that set the stage for the conflict rose internal to the United States, however international factors played a paramount role to the creation of the catastrophe that was the American Civil War. Transnational factors that caused the Civil War are foreign influences or events that helped set the stage for the Civil War to erupt. No foreign country is to blame for the eruption of the US Civil War, however foreign countries demand of American cotton, policies on slavery, and the United States collection of new territories from foreign powers are important when examining the causes that lead to the Civil War. The United States dominated the cotton industry in the years leading to the Civil War. The rise of cotton and it’s export was quick and almost unexpected. A shipping record shows the import of cotton to Liverpool, England in 1786 at six bags each weighing at 150 pounds, by 1789, just three years later, Liverpool imported 842 bags, each weighting 150 lbs., all this cotton came from the US. With the invention of the cotton gin in the mid 1890s by Eli Whitney, the production of the cotton grew immensely. In 1801, with the power of the cotton gin the United States was cultivating 40 million pounds of cotton and exporting half of it. [1] As of 1790, Manchester,

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